Architecture and objects
Gabrielė Černiavskaja (b.1995) moves within space, shaping its boundaries and testing where it begins and ends. She listens to quiet shifts, exploring the edges of spatial existence and seeking new forms for it to take. With a Master of Arts in building architecture, she sees beyond structure, weaving media and insights to unlock spatial potential. In her practice, she crafts spaces into more than just settings—stretching boundaries, filling them with new meanings, and making space an active participant in those it shelters.
Through curatorial and exhibition architecture, Gabrielė explores new ways of engaging with space—practical yet always unconventional. She doesn’t just build; she merges space with psychophysics, understanding its impact on the minds and bodies that inhabit it. With a focus on spatial politics, she unearths the power dynamics woven into architecture, questioning how space holds and shapes those who move through it.
She co-created the experimental architecture archive Popierius, co-curated the symposium Politics of Space (2022), and curates the Experiments’ Platform at Architektūros Fondas, using space as a tool for learning and transformation. With a background in architecture, holding both Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees, she is also an alumna of Rupert’s Alternative Education program. Currently, she teaches as a lecturer at Vilnius Tech’s Department of Architectural Fundamentals, Theory, and Art.
„Briefai“, „promptai“ ir „errorai“: savireguliacija kritinės architektūros lauke
Compiled publication. Eksperimentų platforma 2023 (ISSN 2783-7459)
Compiled publication. Eksperimentų platforma 2022 (ISSN 2783-7459)
Tuščiavidurės teritorijos. Paroda „Sutrikus tai tampa apčiuopiama“ Nacionalinėje dailės galerijoje. Aut. Agnė Narušytė, 2023.
If Disrupted, It Becomes Tangible. Infrastructures and Solidarities beyond the post-Soviet Condition. 2023.
Paroda „6 arai priežiūros. Kolektyviniai sodai“
Nacionalinėje dailės galerijoje. 2023.
The approximation filter in focus. Review of the exhibition «NSRD: Information on a transformed situation» in Vilnius. 2024.
Kitur neišjausti jausmai. Paroda „NSRD: Informacija apie transformuotą situaciją“ Radvilų rūmų dailės muziejuje.
Aut. Jurij Dobriakov, 2025.
Durys nerakinamos. Arba kurmis kaip budizmo disonansas. Aut. Agnė Narušytė, 2025.
2024 RUPERT AEP Final Event — Sortie de résidence
Radio Vilnius. SODAS 2123 laida • 2024.08.21
Radio Vilnius. Faktura • Eksperimentų Platforma • 2023.10.27
Discussion about experimentation in education | Architektūros fondo forumas 2022.
„Homo kultus. Žmogus ir miestas. Prisimenant pirmąjį Erdvės politikos simpoziumą.
Pokalbis su kuratoriais Martynu Germanavičiumi, Viliumi Balčiūnu ir Gabriele Černiavskaja“, 2022
Radio Vilnius. Mes jau dirbame • w/ Domas Raibys, Vytautas Gečas,
Gabrielė Černiavskaja & Mantė Valiūnaitė 2022.09.13.
(assisting for Isora x Lozuraityte Studio for Architecture)
BALTIC TRIENNIAL 14: The Endless Frontier
(assisting for Isora x Lozuraityte Studio for Architecture, curators Valentinas Klimašauskas and João Laia)
Lithuanian space agency pavilion at 17th Venice Architecture Biennale
(assisting for Isora x Lozuraityte Studio for Architecture, curator Jan Boelen)
JONAS MEKAS and the New York Avant-Garde
(assisting for Isora x Lozuraityte Studio for Architecture, curators Inesa Brašiškė and Lukas Brašiškis)
GUT FEELING. 59th Venice Art Biennale
(assisting for Isora x Lozuraityte Studio for Architecture, curator Neringa Bumblienė)